How To Know The Symptoms and Signs Of Glaucoma

How To Know The Symptoms and Signs Of Glaucoma

0 By opticianworld

Learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of glaucoma as it is important in patient care at all times, but note that it is not an Optician’s duty to diagnose or give a prognosis to any patron or patient. Refer to doctors for vision problems beyond eyewear.

Glaucoma. This is a disease of the eye that can strike without any type of warning. It can be painless or full of pain depending on the type of glaucoma that a person happens to find themselves battling. Glaucoma can be as a result of a specific individual illness and it is also hereditary. Some are even born with it, or congenital. Whatever the case may be, glaucoma can be treated and halted if the symptoms and signs are identified early enough. Early detection is key with this eye disease as it will cause blindness if left untreated. There is no cure.

As there is so much knowledge about glaucoma in the medical world, there are even more ways in which glaucoma can be detected and treated. Generally speaking, a person can literally walk around without even knowing that one or both of their eyes is losing sight when it comes to glaucoma as the vision loss typically begins on the periphery and works its way centrally as the disease worsens. There are some signs that could help Opticians understand the debilitating, and possibly blinding ocular disease that starts from the periphery and moves toward the center of the eye.

  • Seeing halos? What is meant by halo? By definition, a halo is a circle of light, similar to what would be seen around the moon at times or that circle of light above the head of angels in pictures. Actually visualizing a halo when looking at a car light, street light or any light can be a sign of optic nerve issues that tell of glaucoma.
  • Loss of peripheral vision is a pretty good sign that glaucoma is set in. What is peripheral vision? It is the area surrounding the central, or vision when a person looks directly ahead. Glaucoma takes the vision from the outermost periphery first and moves inward toward the center, therefore, glaucoma is the silent vision killer, many times coming on slowly and patients are unaware.
  • There are some immediate signs of possible glaucoma. In fact, if any of these signs occur, such as:
    • total loss of vision in a short matter of time
    • severe pain in and around eyes
    • vomiting,
    • headaches

It is important to go to the doctor immediately as these are signs of acute angle glaucoma which can cause immediate blindness.

To be on the safe side, instruct patients to always schedule an eye examination every two years. However, there is a family history of glaucoma or symptoms, patients should alert their eye doctors and schedule appointments yearly or every six months. The earlier glaucoma is detected, the earlier it can be treated, thus, saving very precious eyesight.